Themes built for you

It's just that simple.

About Theme Armada

Theme Armada got started at the beginning of 2013 with one focus - To make the web easier & more creative for designers & developers.

With 5 years of branding, graphic & web design skills under our belt, we launched our first theme in May 2013. Since then Theme Armada has been producing themes and custom templates for designers & developers around the world. We will continue to build our portfolio & theme options as we grow offering a truly unique experience for your users.

Why choose us?

Responsive down to the core

All of our sites are made to look good everywhere, on every device. We use media queries to control how font sizes & elements react on mobile devices & smaller screen sizes. You have full control over your design elements on every screen size.

Responsive Web Design
Bootstrap Framework

Built on top of Bootstrap

We build our sites on top of Bootstrap the way it was intended to be used. We never alter the Bootstrap core so updating to newer versions is simple. You can rest assured that your site will look good on every browser Bootstrap supports.

Options you need, nothing you don't

We're all about adding cool features to our sites, but does anyone really need 5 different slider options? All of our themes come packed with features that are useful so your file sizes will stay lean & mean.

Theme Options for Bootstrap
Bootstrap Framework

Browser Compatability

Our themes are not only beautifully crafted, they're functional as well. We test our code on all modern web & mobile browsers making our sites cross browswer compatible right out of the box.

  • Apple
  • Android
  • Internet Explorer
  • Safari
  • Chrome
  • Opera